Gestionarea Apei

Apa a fost dintotdeauna pasiunea noastră. Logo-ul nostru, o femeie ce varsă apa dintr-o amforă și motto-ul nostru, WATER E-MOTION, o dovedesc.

Apa, fie ea caldă sau rece, reprezintă o resursă din ce în ce mai de preț: o distribuim și o gestionăm cu scopul de a proteja sănătatea și siguranța, precum și de a oferi economii utilizatorului final.


  • Components for domestic water distribution lines

    To distribute drinking water, our most precious resource, we provide hygienic and high quality system which meet the highest standards both nationally and internationally. Pipes, connections, manifolds, and shut-off valves: everyone needs to create the perfect system in the construction and restoration of any building. Systems with maximum hygienic safety, reliable and easy to install, to guarantee a long-lasting supply of drinking water.

  • Devices for plumbing and drainage systems

    The management of a precious asset such as drinking water requires, in addition to safety and efficient lines of distribution, also specific devices that optimise its consumption and protect both the domestic system and the public supply network. Pressure reducing valves, pollution preventors, thermostatic mixers are some of the products that can enhance modern plumbing and drainage systems.